Key Findings

People and communities in the rural West have been hit hard by the pandemic and our survey shows that these impacts are wide-ranging, especially among vulnerable groups. In response, rural Westerners express bipartisan support for a range of government interventions to support rural recovery.

  1. Covid Experience: Nearly 30% of residents in the rural West have had direct experience with Covid-19 either personally or through family, friends, or acquaintances.

  2. President Trump in a Conservative Region: In 2016 President Trump won 75% of counties in the rural West. Approval for his handling of the pandemic was split, with 43% of respondents approving and 44% disapproving.

  3. Support for More Government Spending: There was strong bipartisan support for government relief spending on healthcare, housing, infrastructure, small business, and direct payments to individuals. The only exceptions to this broad support for spending were for oil and gas companies and large businesses, for which rural Westerners wanted a cut in spending.

  4. Unemployment: One in five people who were employed full time last year became unemployed by the time of our survey.

  5. Inequality in Unemployment: While unemployment spiked for all people in the rural West, it was women and Latino/a residents who saw the largest increases in unemployment.

  6. Unemployment Benefits: Use of unemployment insurance was very uneven, with Latino/a residents receiving fewer benefits despite high unemployment levels.

  7. Health Insurance: Among those who were uninsured before the pandemic, 27% gained health insurance coverage by the time of our survey.

  8. Internet Access: Of households that have children younger than 16 years old, 18% did not  have access to high-speed internet in their homes.

  9. Outlook for the Future: Despite high levels of individual and community impact, respondents were positive about the future: over 45% believe that their county's economy will be healthy at this time next year.